
Content management system that goes beyond traditional content management to power your entire publishing business needs.


Trusted by leading brands in the publishing industry, IKHWA Digital CMS is an all-in-one publishing platform for today’s newsrooms of all sizes.

What’s inside?

Full-featured Headless CMS

Subscriptions CRM

Real-time Editorial Analytics

Distribution and Marketing tools

The advantage

IKHWA Digital CMS makes managing a news platform much easier for people of all technical levels. With a familiar interface design, IKHWA Digital CMS increases efficiency while providing a set of tools and technologies needed for your operations.

Our state-of-the-art CMS is constantly updated with new features, improvements, bug fixes, and security enforcements.

IKHWA Digital CMS can autonomously handle all that complicated infrastructure like managing:

Your archive

Your photo and video libraries

Your analytics

Your client relations

you can focus on more forward-facing parts of your business. It will even eliminate time-consuming tasks and make suggestions based on its artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

Key Benefits

IKHWA Digital CMS is a seamlessly integrated and easy-to-use full-featured system that helps publishers manage the digital side of their business.

From one platform, they can:

Publish their content across multiple channels

Manage all relationships and interactions with customers

Control all digital assets

Obtain advanced metrics to optimize strategy and readership


One Place to Publish Everywhere

IKHWA Digital CMS is an established distribution system where the written content can easily be published in a variety of formats to a multitude of channels such as web, mobile, social media, print, and push.


Constantly Updated at no added cost

This CMS is well-tested, reliable and always up to date. New and improved features are automatically added with no added costs.


AI-Based Asset Management with Intelligent Search Capabilities

This can help you save time by finding the right photos and most related articles as well as embedding the most relevant tweets or content. With the necessary grunt work out of the way, writers can then focus on producing their greatest content.


Advanced Editorial Analytics

These analytics are necessary to analyze how much of a certain article is being read, which types of content are the most popular, and which journalist has the most readers. This helps you make data-driven decisions that can improve the content posted and optimize readership.


Built-in Subscriptions and Paywalls

Depending on the business model, a publisher can easily select from the variety of available subscription models such as freemium, metered or premium.


Impenetrable Security and Guaranteed Uptime

IKHWA Digital CMS is characterized by security conscious development with an excellent and reliable track record that ensures 99.9% uptime.


Suitable for All Budgets & Newspaper Sizes

It has support packages with a reduced feature set. Depending on your budget, you can select what is necessary for your business to create and deliver great content in a modern setting.


Smooth and Effortless Transition

Switching from your current system and migrating your business’s data to IKHWA Digital CMS is a simple and straightforward process.


No Third Party or Hidden Costs

With this CMS, you won’t need additional subscriptions to other supporting functionalities such as email newsletters or browser push notifications.

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